Wednesday 19 October 2022

How to log in and use You Tube Studio

What is your YouTube studio? Let's get in touch!

Youtube Studio
   A YouTube Studio is a page that provides various YouTube video settings before being uploaded to YouTube and published. You Tube Studio is usually used by YouTubers to edit thumbnails, titles, descriptions, and many other things. You Tube Studio can now be accessed directly through the official website of You Tube and also through the App for smart phone users, which can be downloaded via the Play Store and Aps Store.

The YouTube studio offers more direction and displays the main metrics as well as a comprehensive menu that YouTube algorithms use to determine video success. Not only that, the graphics presented are much clearer and easier to understand, even for novice youtubers

>How to Access YouTube Studio 

  To enter Youtube Studio, the method is quite easy. You can choose to login via the YouTube website or you can choose to login via the YouTube Studio application.

log in Youtube Studio

-The first is how to enter via the YouTube website. You just visit, then go to your YouTube account and click on your photo, and then select Youtube Studio, and you will automatically enter the YouTube Studio page in your account. There you will be presented with various menus available on YouTube Studio.

-The second way, for those of you who don't use a laptop or computer, is by logging in using a smart phone. The method is quite simple. You need to download it from the Play store for Android users and the App store for iPhone users. After the download is complete, you just enter the application and log in according to the YouTube account you have.

>Menu and Instructions for using YouTube Studio 

  On this page, you can use YouTube Studio for various purposes of managing video data and also analytics. Here are some menus and their meanings:

Page Youtube Studio

Top screen section for feature access.

 When you have entered the YouTube Studio page, at the top of the page you can access the following features:

~Browse new videos and live streams.

~Access help

~Opened the channel, returned to YouTube, switched accounts, and logged out.

Menu on the left of the page to manage channels. 

 Here are some menus on the left of the page that you can use, including: 

~Dashboard Chennel: provides an overview of new activity on your channel, as well as what's new on YouTube. 
~Content: This contains a summary of your videos and live streams. 
~Playlists: Make and manage playlists. 
~Analytics: Shows channel and video performance with metrics and reports. 
~Comment: to comments on your videos. 
It contains a list of mentions from other creators about your channel. 
~Subtitle: to add subtitles to videos or crowdsource them from the community. 
~Monetization: to manage merchandise and subscriptions. 
~Customization: set your channel's layout, branding, and basic information. 
~Audio Library: Access free music and sound effects to use in your videos

Content pages to manage specific videos.

  In addition to managing channels in general, you can also manage video content directly with the following details:

~Details: Change the video title, description, and settings. 
~Analytics: View available metrics at the video level. 
~Editor: Trim videos, add end screens, add audio tracks, and blur videos. 
~Comments: View and reply to comments on videos. 
~Subtitles: Add subtitles and descriptions to videos.

Those are some explanations about YouTube Studio that can allow you to learn and can help you to start learning to be a content creator, especially on YouTube.

OK, that's enough from me. Don't forget to also read other articles at: Thank you. Who knew it could help you in other digital fields?

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