Monday 10 October 2022

How to Get a Google Ads Coupon Code and Tips for Using It

"How to Get a Google Ads Coupon Code and Tips for Using It"

   You must be asking here how to get a Google Ads coupon code for free. Actually, there is no special way to get promo codes from Google Ads or AdWords. because the coupon code is added to the advertiser's account that already meets the special requirements and criteria. Even a coupon code will be provided free of charge as part of a special offer to attract new advertisers to use the facilities offered.

IDR 450,000 and USD checks worth around $29.44 USD 

How to Get Google Ads Coupon Promotion Code 450k

>How to Get Google ads coupon code

  To get a Google Ads coupon code, see the following explanation: Basically, the Google Ads promo code has a different function with various other payment settings. There is a time limit for the coupon code, which must be used within a maximum of 14 days after the creation of a Google Ads account. If the time limit has passed, the coupon code cannot be used or exchanged. 

  How to get a Google Ads coupon code You need to meet the terms and conditions that apply in each promotional period. Meaning, before you use the Google Ads coupon code, it would be nice to check the details of the terms of the promotion offered. Usually, a coupon code will be given to a new advertiser with a new account. Even the email address that will be used to register must also be new, i.e., never registered with AdWords before. Google detects and will not provide coupon codes for accounts that have previously been used to receive similar coupon codes.

  You can also take advantage of this promotion by going to You have the option to receive credit for advertising on the website based on the sum of money you have spent up to approximately $29.44 USD. Here is a more thorough justification:

For instance, Google's original offer requires you to spend about $29.44 USD in order to receive about $29.44 USD credit. If you use the discount code, this implies that if you spend about $29.44 USD, you will receive a credit of about $29.44 USD, which will show up in your account within 31 days.

  The amount you paid or spent after entering the promo code will still be calculated by Google, so keep that in mind. This amount will not be included in your offer if it turns out that you made a purchase before eventually inputting the promo code. To ensure that your ad may be displayed flawlessly, don't forget to check that the website or blog you are advertising has a clear purpose and does not contravene Google's terms and conditions.

  Although this promotional code appears to be highly profitable, it turns out that it can only be applied to Google Ads advertising. It is advised that you input the promotional code on your account's billing details page in order to apply a Google Ads discount code (billing page). The money you previously spent won't be converted into credit if it turns out that you failed to input the promo code that was supplied to you through email.

  These promotional coupons are typically supplied to online store websites or blogs with the intention of fostering business growth because they are effective for advertising. You also need a credit card, a Paypal account, and a local bank account to conduct financial transactions in order to obtain and use Google promo coupons.
  There are several ways that Google Ads offers to pay for advertising that you can choose from, namely manual payments, automatic payments, and monthly invoicing. If you choose to make payments automatically, then you must enter the coupon code before it expires. However, if you choose manual payment, you must use the coupon code before the expiration date and then must meet the terms and conditions contained in the promotional material.
It is also recommended that you immediately make a payment in advance with an amount that is greater than what has been required. The reason is that Google may stop serving your ads before all the funds run out.

  That's the information and tips that we can share with you on how to get a Google Ads coupon code. Don't forget to also read the article "A Complete Guide to Using Google Ads for Beginners" Thank you for your time and consideration. 

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