Saturday 22 October 2022

How to Understand and How to Register a Google Domain

Contacts and how to create a Google Domain 

  For those of you who want to start running an online business, there are several things you must consider first. Not just creating interesting content in a digital marketing strategy, but also having to consider the domain name that will be used to support the quality of the website.

Google Domain

  Google Domain is one type of service that you can use to determine your own domain name, which will indirectly support the credibility of a company that you have. Here I will explain what a Google domain is and how to use it.

Understanding Google Domains 

>What is Google Domains?

   One service that can assist you in registering a domain name for use with your WordPress website or any other website is Google Domains.You should be aware that, unlike other domain providers, Google Domains does not provide any kind of hosting. Additionally, you now have to purchase hosting individually.

  However, Google Domains also has the benefit of making it simple to link to other Google services, like G-suite, Google Search Console, and others. Despite being introduced in 2015, Google Domains is currently considered to be in beta.

>How to register a Google Domain

Regristrasi Google Domian
1. Choose the domain you want.

~The first step in beginning the domain registration process with Google is to open and do a domain search.

~Google will then display a list of domain extensions that are readily accessible.

~If all went according to plan, the chosen domain name would have a green checkmark next to it, indicating that it was free to use.

~When finished, press the shopping cart symbol to go on to the following action. We advise adopting an alternative domain name or picking a different domain extension if the domain name you want is not available.

2. Verify and purchase the domain name you've chosen. 

  Open the cart to continue with the checkout process after adding the domain name. Two choices, both of which are turned on by default, are displayed by Google Domains along with a summary or the whole shopping description, namely:

~Protection from prying eyes: Google Domains offers this privacy protection service at no cost. The protection of personal information privacy is the aim. It is strongly advised in this instance to do nothing because your website will gain from it.

~Auto-renewal: By using this feature, you may avoid forgetting to renew and losing your chosen domain. After completing the aforementioned selections, click "check out" right away. You must input your personal contact information on the checkout page.

However, you should be aware that if you continue to use the free privacy protection option, this information will not be made public, so you don't need to worry about information leaking. Then input your payment details to complete the transaction.

3. Direct the domain to your web host.

 Google Domains will launch the domain's dashboard upon the completion of the purchase and payment.

Next, select the DNS tab to point the domain name to the host. You may change nameservers into hostnameservers and add resource entries to Google nameservers, among other things.

4. Set up an optional email forwarding system.

  Instead of setting up email through a host or service like Google Workspace, you may utilize email forwarding through Google Domains. To get started, enter the email page and click "add" email.

>That's the meaning of the Google domain and how to register it.

As previously said, one of the greatest services or locations to register a domain name is Google Domain. For the most well-liked domain extensions, Google offers straightforward and affordable pricing. Only a few extensions,, could be pricey.

Along with outstanding features like free privacy protection, Google DNS, automated Google Search Console verification, and robust two-factor authentication, Google Domains also provides a well-designed user interface.

Thank you for reading this article. Don't forget to also read other useful articles on our blog by visiting:

Wednesday 19 October 2022

How to log in and use You Tube Studio

What is your YouTube studio? Let's get in touch!

Youtube Studio
   A YouTube Studio is a page that provides various YouTube video settings before being uploaded to YouTube and published. You Tube Studio is usually used by YouTubers to edit thumbnails, titles, descriptions, and many other things. You Tube Studio can now be accessed directly through the official website of You Tube and also through the App for smart phone users, which can be downloaded via the Play Store and Aps Store.

The YouTube studio offers more direction and displays the main metrics as well as a comprehensive menu that YouTube algorithms use to determine video success. Not only that, the graphics presented are much clearer and easier to understand, even for novice youtubers

>How to Access YouTube Studio 

  To enter Youtube Studio, the method is quite easy. You can choose to login via the YouTube website or you can choose to login via the YouTube Studio application.

log in Youtube Studio

-The first is how to enter via the YouTube website. You just visit, then go to your YouTube account and click on your photo, and then select Youtube Studio, and you will automatically enter the YouTube Studio page in your account. There you will be presented with various menus available on YouTube Studio.

-The second way, for those of you who don't use a laptop or computer, is by logging in using a smart phone. The method is quite simple. You need to download it from the Play store for Android users and the App store for iPhone users. After the download is complete, you just enter the application and log in according to the YouTube account you have.

>Menu and Instructions for using YouTube Studio 

  On this page, you can use YouTube Studio for various purposes of managing video data and also analytics. Here are some menus and their meanings:

Page Youtube Studio

Top screen section for feature access.

 When you have entered the YouTube Studio page, at the top of the page you can access the following features:

~Browse new videos and live streams.

~Access help

~Opened the channel, returned to YouTube, switched accounts, and logged out.

Menu on the left of the page to manage channels. 

 Here are some menus on the left of the page that you can use, including: 

~Dashboard Chennel: provides an overview of new activity on your channel, as well as what's new on YouTube. 
~Content: This contains a summary of your videos and live streams. 
~Playlists: Make and manage playlists. 
~Analytics: Shows channel and video performance with metrics and reports. 
~Comment: to comments on your videos. 
It contains a list of mentions from other creators about your channel. 
~Subtitle: to add subtitles to videos or crowdsource them from the community. 
~Monetization: to manage merchandise and subscriptions. 
~Customization: set your channel's layout, branding, and basic information. 
~Audio Library: Access free music and sound effects to use in your videos

Content pages to manage specific videos.

  In addition to managing channels in general, you can also manage video content directly with the following details:

~Details: Change the video title, description, and settings. 
~Analytics: View available metrics at the video level. 
~Editor: Trim videos, add end screens, add audio tracks, and blur videos. 
~Comments: View and reply to comments on videos. 
~Subtitles: Add subtitles and descriptions to videos.

Those are some explanations about YouTube Studio that can allow you to learn and can help you to start learning to be a content creator, especially on YouTube.

OK, that's enough from me. Don't forget to also read other articles at: Thank you. Who knew it could help you in other digital fields?

Thursday 13 October 2022

How to Use Facebook Ads to Promote Your Business 

How to Use Facebook Ads to Promote Your Business

   In this modern era, we will be presented with things that are very easy for us to access, including in the fields of the economy, information, technology, and business. and this time I will tell you about the ease and efficiency of doing business.What business is that? Yes, this time we will discuss how we can advertise a product or our business by using Facebook ads, which are fairly easy and efficient. Aside from sharing photos, status, and accessing social media, we can also advertise a product that we sell.

Facebook ads

  Before we start advertising products on Facebook ads, you need to know the meaning of "What is Facebook ADS?" Facebook ads, or manager ads, are Ads Manager is your starting point for running ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger or Audience Network. It’s an all-in-one tool for creating ads, managing when and where they’ll run, and tracking how well your campaigns are performing towards your marketing goals.

  >Here's a guide to making ads on Facebook ads.

1. Create a Business Page or ad

  First you have to log in and create an advertising page. If you already have a business Facebook page, you can go directly to the Facebook Ads Manager or Business Manager to set up ads. The next step will be to use a way to create ads on Facebook using Ads Manager. Go to this page to start creating and registering an ad page:

2. Choose Multiple advertising Goals 

  When you are logged in to Facebook Ads Manager, click the Campaign tab and then click Create to start a new Facebook ad campaign. There are several categories of Facebook ads that will be offered, namely 11 marketing objectives, depending on what your ad is trying to achieve:

search terget Facebookads
- Brand awareness
- Reach
- Traffic
- Engagement
- App installs
- Video views
- Lead generation
- Messages
- Conversions
- Catalog sales
- Store traffic

 There you have to choose the most suitable option based on your goals. For this ad, it's important to note that conversion-oriented marketing goals (such as sales) can be paid per action, but for exposure purposes (such as traffic and views), you have to pay for impressions.

3. Give Your Advertisement a Name 

  To name the ad you create, you're on this page. Scroll down to name your Facebook ad campaign. You can also choose to enable the A/B split test or not. There's also the option to optimize your ad budget if you're already running a lot of ads on Facebook.

If you choose the Conversions pemasaran marketing objective, you also have to choose whether to focus on post conversions, page likes, or event responses. Choose according to your wishes.

4. Establishing an Advertising Account 

Aad to Advertising Account

  This stage is quite easy for you to do. If this is your first time creating an ad on Facebook, click the "Set Up Ad Account" button. After that, you will be asked to fill in the details of the data to create an ad account. Enter the country, choice of currency, and time zone, then click Continue, and proceed to the next stage.

5. Choosing an Audience for Your Ads 

   After you name your ad, you will then name your Facebook ad campaign and choose which page you want to promote. Scroll down to build the audience segment you want to target.

Do so by selecting the target location, age, gender, and language. When choosing a target audience, also pay attention to the audience size indicator on the right side of the screen so you can get an idea or an example of what the potential reach of your ad might be. Next you will see and be presented with two columns that can help you choose the specific audience you want. Here you can do more detailed targeting.

In the 'Connections' column, you can target or exclude people who already have a relationship with your business' Facebook page or event app you manage. On the other hand, in the 'Detailed targeting' column, you can include or exclude people based on demographics, interests, and behavior.

6. Choosing an Ad Placement Location 

   Once you've selected your target audience, you'll then scroll down to choose where your ad will appear. If you are still a beginner, you should choose the Automatic Placements option. Because by selecting this option, Facebook will automatically place your ad on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network where it will be displayed optimally.

7. Create a budget and a schedule for your advertisements. 

  After we set the ad name and audience destination, you have to set how much you want to pay for the ads you display. Facebook does not charge a certain price and you can pay depending on your ability and budget. This is very good for those of you who are beginners and want to try advertising products on Facebook Ads.

You can choose a daily or forever budget. You can also set a schedule for when ads can be shown and when an ad campaign will end. When you're done with audience settings and indicators, click Continue.

8. Begin creating advertisements. 

  The last stage of the tutorial on creating an ad on Facebook is creating an ad. First, you select an ad format, then enter the text and media components for the ad. The choice of available formats will depend on the marketing objective or audience you have previously selected. Use the preview at the bottom to make sure your ad looks good and attractive on all the selected placement platforms, so that people who see your ad are curious and want to click on the ad you created.

If you are satisfied with the selection and appearance of your ad, click the Confirm button to submit your ad order and wait until you get an email from Facebook saying your ad has been received. Make sure the email you registered is always active. After the ad is received, your ad will automatically be shared by the Facebook ads.

  Well, those are some guides or steps on how to make Facebook ads that I can share with you guys. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Monday 10 October 2022

How to Get a Google Ads Coupon Code and Tips for Using It

"How to Get a Google Ads Coupon Code and Tips for Using It"

   You must be asking here how to get a Google Ads coupon code for free. Actually, there is no special way to get promo codes from Google Ads or AdWords. because the coupon code is added to the advertiser's account that already meets the special requirements and criteria. Even a coupon code will be provided free of charge as part of a special offer to attract new advertisers to use the facilities offered.

IDR 450,000 and USD checks worth around $29.44 USD 

How to Get Google Ads Coupon Promotion Code 450k

>How to Get Google ads coupon code

  To get a Google Ads coupon code, see the following explanation: Basically, the Google Ads promo code has a different function with various other payment settings. There is a time limit for the coupon code, which must be used within a maximum of 14 days after the creation of a Google Ads account. If the time limit has passed, the coupon code cannot be used or exchanged. 

  How to get a Google Ads coupon code You need to meet the terms and conditions that apply in each promotional period. Meaning, before you use the Google Ads coupon code, it would be nice to check the details of the terms of the promotion offered. Usually, a coupon code will be given to a new advertiser with a new account. Even the email address that will be used to register must also be new, i.e., never registered with AdWords before. Google detects and will not provide coupon codes for accounts that have previously been used to receive similar coupon codes.

  You can also take advantage of this promotion by going to You have the option to receive credit for advertising on the website based on the sum of money you have spent up to approximately $29.44 USD. Here is a more thorough justification:

For instance, Google's original offer requires you to spend about $29.44 USD in order to receive about $29.44 USD credit. If you use the discount code, this implies that if you spend about $29.44 USD, you will receive a credit of about $29.44 USD, which will show up in your account within 31 days.

  The amount you paid or spent after entering the promo code will still be calculated by Google, so keep that in mind. This amount will not be included in your offer if it turns out that you made a purchase before eventually inputting the promo code. To ensure that your ad may be displayed flawlessly, don't forget to check that the website or blog you are advertising has a clear purpose and does not contravene Google's terms and conditions.

  Although this promotional code appears to be highly profitable, it turns out that it can only be applied to Google Ads advertising. It is advised that you input the promotional code on your account's billing details page in order to apply a Google Ads discount code (billing page). The money you previously spent won't be converted into credit if it turns out that you failed to input the promo code that was supplied to you through email.

  These promotional coupons are typically supplied to online store websites or blogs with the intention of fostering business growth because they are effective for advertising. You also need a credit card, a Paypal account, and a local bank account to conduct financial transactions in order to obtain and use Google promo coupons.
  There are several ways that Google Ads offers to pay for advertising that you can choose from, namely manual payments, automatic payments, and monthly invoicing. If you choose to make payments automatically, then you must enter the coupon code before it expires. However, if you choose manual payment, you must use the coupon code before the expiration date and then must meet the terms and conditions contained in the promotional material.
It is also recommended that you immediately make a payment in advance with an amount that is greater than what has been required. The reason is that Google may stop serving your ads before all the funds run out.

  That's the information and tips that we can share with you on how to get a Google Ads coupon code. Don't forget to also read the article "A Complete Guide to Using Google Ads for Beginners" Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Thursday 6 October 2022

Google ads search campaign definition and types

Google ads search campaign definition and types  

Google Ads Search Campaign

    A Google Ads search campaign is one of the types of Google Ads offered when we want to advertise a product or our business. You could say it's also a search menu for certain products In order for clients to market their products effectively, Google Ads offers five types of campaigns, each with its own features and advantages. I will explain the five search campaigns in the Google Ads menu below.

1.Google Display Ads

Google ads Display

  The first thing I'll explain is that Google Display Ads are a type of ad that utilizes visualization. This is different from Google Search Ads, which directs potential clients based on the keywords used when doing a search. Google Display Ads will display ads randomly. This allows people who don't even search for the products you offer to find out what products you do offer.

In addition, Google Display Ads also offers three types of ad campaigns, namely responsive display ads, Gmail ads, and uploaded image ads. According to reporting from, all three have high effectiveness and achieve their respective marketing targets. However, if asked which type produces the highest profit, the answer is responsive display ads.

2.Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping ads

  Now the second one is different from Google Search Ads. This type of campaign will provide detailed information about prices, store names, product details, and buyer reviews. The main purpose of Google Shopping Ads is to provide complete information to potential buyers, even before the person visits the online shop that sells the item he is looking for.

It doesn't stop there. Google Shopping Ads are further divided into three types.

-The first type is a product shopping ad, which is an ad created based on the data provided in your Google Merchant Center account.

-The second type is a showcase shopping ad, which is an advertisement made by grouping several similar items. Here, potential buyers have the opportunity to make comparisons and decide which product is the best.

-The third type is the local inventory shopping ad, which is an advertisement that is very effective when you have a physical store or an actual store that is not online. In addition, the images that will be displayed in the ad campaign are sourced from real photos so that potential buyers can trust them more.

3.Google Search Ads

Google Search Ads

 Did you know if you use Google Search Ads to promote your business, everyone who types in a keyword in a Google search using keywords related to your business can be directly directed or displayed products from your store?

One way to maximize the use of Google Search Ads is to target keywords that match the buyer's intentions. For example, if the product you sell is women's fashion, You can use the keyword "cheapest women's fashion" so that your product appears in search results and potential buyers who see it can immediately be attracted to visit your website. Well, the appearance of your ad campaign also depends on how much you spend. The more you pay, the higher the potential for your ad campaign to appear on the search engine results page.

4.Google App Ad Campaign

Google app ads campaign

  This type is the most efficient or easily accessible type because, with this type of Google Ads, this one is suitable for those of you who have applications for your own business. Different from other types, by using Google App Ad Campaign (mobile application), you don't have to bother designing your ads. The ad campaign for your application will be automatically designed in the Google App Ad Campaign. It's really easy, isn't it?

5.Google Video Ads

Google vidio ads

  You must frequently use YouTube to watch tutorials or product reviews. Well, when you're watching, surely you often see ad impressions before the video you're going to watch starts. It is available in Google Video Ads. Considering that YouTube is under Google and acts like a video-only search engine, you will reach a huge audience by using Google Video Ads. Then, so that your ad campaign doesn't go unnoticed by the audience, there are a few tips that you can follow.

-The first tip is to determine the appropriate target audience for the product so that your ad remains relevant.

-The second tip is to keep your ad short but as clear as possible about your product. Make sure the video is no longer than fifteen seconds.

-The last tip is to take advantage of the advanced campaign settings that allow you to set the showtimes as you wish.

So, those are some explanations about the various types of Google Ads Search Campaigns, which might be a reference for you to develop your business.

Tuesday 4 October 2022

A Complete Guide to Using Google Ads for Beginners

     In the following, I will explain how to advertise a product or business using one of the Google Adwords (Google Ads) advertising methods, which are considered to have good prospects for various business categories, ranging from small, medium, and large scale.

To start increasing sales of a business or product, the most important thing for aspiring business owners is to get more people interested in their goods and services. This is the primary goal in order to begin making a profit.

It's good to follow the guide on how to use Google Ads, especially for new entrepreneurs who want to start marketing their products and reach a wider sales target.


    Google Ads are paid advertising features that will appear on Google search. In order to display paid ads or paid search, advertisers must pay so that ads can be displayed using certain keywords that are relevant to products and services.

  In order for the search results for your company's items to be displayed at the top of Google searches, it is crucial to use precise keywords while advertising through Google Adwords intermediaries.

  The higher the position of the search results on the Google page using paid search, of course, it is likely that the ad will be seen by more people, increasing the chances of getting customers.

>How to Use Google Ads: A Guide

  Beginner business owners need to start educating themselves about and adjusting to modern business trends. You must comprehend the idea of efficient Google Adwords. Before choosing to use Google Adwords to promote their goods or services, beginning business owners should become familiar with the following fundamentals:

Setting Google ADS

1. Become familiar with Google Ads and their efficiency. 

  I'll go over Google Adwords' workings. For instance, when potential customers use keywords to search for their needs, your product or service will be shown on the Google search results page.

For instance, when someone types in "cheap shoes," It is highly likely that people will visit your website if you maximize the Google Adwords function by choosing the best keywords from organic searches.

Well, if you are successful in getting an advertisement site "perched" at the top, then the legitimacy and trust of potential customers will also rise. It might pique their interest in acquiring your services or purchasing your goods.

2. Paying for advertisements on Google ADS 

 The next thing to know is that only when people click on your ad and visit your company's website do you have to pay for it. To make the following advertising strategies more successful, it is important to understand three terms:

- The price per 1000 impressions (Pay per Thousand Impressions)

You will only be billed once every 1,000 times a user sees an advertisement that has "perched" on a Google search result page. If you want to witness a noticeable improvement and the impact of advertising on your salespeople, try this method. give a little illustration of how Google Adwords functions. For instance,

Price Per Click (Pay Per Click) Only when a potential customer clicks on your ad are you compelled to pay. Google won't charge users if they simply view the ads without clicking them.

-Cost Per Conversion (Pay Per Conversion) This strategy is thought to be the most successful because you only have to pay Google when prospective customers fulfill certain criteria, such as accessing your ad site, which can be determined by how long they stayed on your website, whether they add your product to their shopping cart, and so forth.

3. How to Register for Google Adwords Accounts and Payment Transactions

  If you already understand the concept and how Google Adwords works, the next step is to register or register an account with Google Adwords.

Here's how to register and pay:

-first Open the browser and start accessing the Google Ads site. 

-Don't forget to sign in to your Google account, which is used as a Google Adwords account. 

-Then click on the 'Get started' menu and select one of your three advertising objectives. 

-Type or write an answer in the business description field and enter the URL of the advertising site.

-then Fill in the radius of reach of the consumers you want to target. 

-Determine keywords or keywords to search for your product or service. 

-Fill in five columns which include the headline and description of the ad;

-Enter your mobile number, which will be displayed in Google ads, so that potential customers can contact the telephone number listed in the advertisement. 

-There will be 3 budget options or payment packages from Google that you will pay per month. Besides that, you will be given the freedom to determine your own budget. 

-Finally, complete payment transaction information.

4. The Benefits of Google Adwords for Entrepreneurs 

  If we advertise on Google, there will be some feedback that can be obtained even though it is not direct and instant. Speed is how you can optimize existing ones.

The following are the advantages of using the Google Adwords feature for novice entrepreneurs:

-Advertising Costs Can Be Monitored 
The PPC system used by Google Adwords can make it easier for advertisers to always manage and monitor advertising costs according to their budget. So you don't have to worry about inflated advertising costs.

-Increase turnover from advertising, 
Indirectly, the ads that we put on Google will bring up many potential customers, although it doesn't always guarantee 100% success from business promotions. The reason is that this success rate is adjusted to the selection and management of the right keywords or keywords.

-Choice of Non-Motone Ad Formats, 
There are various types of ad formats that you can choose from, including text, visual, and audio. but, of course, adjusted to the budget offered.

-Can target the right target consumers 
With search techniques on Google, with keywords, potential customers will also be mapped well. People who want to buy clothes will inevitably be presented with an advertisement for your clothes.

-Sales Site Reputation Increases because, along with Website SEO optimization, keyword searches that are widely searched will be quickly and easily detected in the Google search index.

   Well, those are some of the points that have been mentioned that can be used by novice business actors to decide to use Google Ads facilities. This method needs to be carefully prepared.

The reason is that in doing business, capital and profits must be considered properly and correctly so that business results do not run out of only advertising payments.

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Memahami apa itu Facebook Ad Break     Kalian sudah tau apa belum sekarang facebook atau Meta ada fitur terbaru loh, selain untuk membagikan...